
Start Laser Hair Removal Now and Get Silky Smooth by Summer

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Start Laser Hair Removal Now and Get Silky Smooth by Summer

The average human is born with about 5 million hair follicles on their body, only a tiny fraction of which are on the head (about 100,000-150,000). While you certainly don’t want to strip yourself of every last hair, there are some places where you’d probably rather hair weren’t a part of the landscape. 

At Church Street Medical Center and Aesthetics in Lenoir, North Carolina, family nurse practitioner Jennifer Bennett-Williams, FNP, and her staff help you achieve your body goals. If you’re engaged in a never-ending battle against unwanted body hair, they can help with a long-lasting solution — laser hair removal.

And if you start now, you can enjoy silky smooth skin by summer.

Clearing the way with a laser

To banish unwanted body hair, Bennett-Williams and her team use the state-of-the-art Cartessa Aesthetics laser system. This system delivers pulses of light energy into the pigment cells of hair follicles, which are designed to absorb incoming heat. 

In this case, our laser delivers enough energy so that when these cells absorb the light pulses, it heats them and damages them to the point where they’re unable to produce any more hair.

Among the benefits of our laser system is that we can precisely control the energy we deliver. This means we can accurately target your hair follicles without damaging the surface of your skin or neighboring tissue underneath.

In fact, our laser energy is safe enough to use almost anywhere you have unwanted body hair, including your:

  • Upper lip
  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Neck
  • Bikini line
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Legs

The only place we don’t use our laser is around your eyes.

The smooth path forward

The reason to start now is that laser hair removal takes a little time to completely address your entire target areas. At any given time, each of your hair follicles is in one of three stages:

  • Anagen, or the active growth phase
  • Catagen, or the transitional phase
  • Telogen, or the resting stage

While most hair follicles—around 90% — are in the active growth stage, some may be in either of the other two stages.

So, when we treat an area of your body, we tackle the readily visible hair follicles. Then, we wait a few weeks before your next appointment to allow time for other hair follicles to make themselves known. 

Through the course of several treatments (most of our clients need three to seven), we ensure that we address all of the follicles in your target area.

Doing your part

To help us do our job better, we ask that you do just a couple of things before we get started on your laser hair removal. First, don’t wax your hair or use any other hair removal method that takes your hair out by the root. You can still shave since that only breaks the hair off at the shaft. 

We also ask that you avoid tanning. For us to give you the best coverage possible, we need to readily identify your hair follicles, and it’s far easier to do so on a lighter backdrop. That said, if you have a darker complexion, we’re still able to remove your hair, but it may take a few more sweeps to get the job done right.

If you’d like to get started so that you can greet summer with nothing but your skin, schedule an appointment at Church Street Medical Center and Aesthetics today. Call our office at (828) 726-3063 or request an appointment using the online booking tool

* Individual results may vary